
Abbigail Naes
Campbell High School
Grade 12

Today, I take my last step into the building that has 

taught me. Out of the past 14 years, nine out of 12 

months, from 8 a.m. to 3:15, this home away from home 

has seen my tears of anguish and desperation, but also 

the smiles and laughter of triumph. It was here I 

overcame my biggest problems and fears, but also 

where I got them. When I leave today, I will never be 

the same. I may come back here, but never as I was. 

For I will be granted the great pleasure of walking this 

stage where I will take my last and final steps. I will 

walk out of the doors knowing I have 

accomplished something I never thought I could. 

My final goodbye to my friends who were there as I 

grew, the teachers who taught me well, and last but not 

least, my home away from home. I leave you for the

last time not as a student but as the adult you raised me 

to be.